Filming Pure Dance. Discussion with the artists 6th EIVV

A discussion on filming pure dance with Aly Rose (Monk, China), Fu LE (Mass, France), Kepa Landa & Marta Botana (Vd01.6, Spain). Moderated by Blas Payri
Session of the 20th October 2019, Centre del Carme, Valencia
6th International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance

Aly Rose
Aly Rose is a choreographer and artist based in China. She also leads a dance for camera series in Shanghai and is passionate about collaborating on dance projects with people from diverse and non-dance-related backgrounds. While not dancing, she teaches at NYU in Shanghai. Her most recent work has been shown at TANK Shanghai, the Power Station of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art MoCA, the Long Museum, the Glass Museum, and the ShanghART Gallery.
Her current focus is bringing The ONE Show to fruition.

Fu LE is a French award winner filmmaker and choreographer in the Tetrapode dance company. Graduated in sculpture at the Art Crafts National School in Paris, he then trained in physical theater and in contemporary dance in South America and Europe. He pursued recently his research in Taiwan, questioning social issues linked with urbanization. He is now evolving on the edge between dance, sculpture and video, and connects visual arts to the intimacy of bodily sensations.

Kepa Landa, Marta Botana
Kepa Landa, Arizkun (Baztan, Navarra, Spain) 1969. PhD in Fine Arts at the University of Castilla La Mancha and graduate of the same university at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca. PhD Thesis title: “Identification, description, classification and analysis of artistic works based on data representation of brain activity.” He is currently Professor at the European University of Madrid. He has taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2010-12), General Coordinator and responsible of Arteleku program, member of the Intermediae – Matadero Madrid curating team, MediaLabMadrid coordinator, Director of the Master in art and New Technologies at UEM 2003-2006.

Marta Botana, Madrid, 1980. As artist and researcher, I explore the body possibilities in different and changing spaces. Interested in collective creation I work with artists from different fields such as sound art, photography, video art and philosophy. The research diffusion is made in national and international forums, like past “Digital Storytelling”, organized by Kapodistrian University and celebrated in Athens.