Focus on Hadi Moussally. 6th EIVV

Polyvalent filmmaker and videoperformer Hadi Moussally presents some of his works of fashion films, portraits and videodance. 19 october 2019, at Centre del Carme, 6th International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance. Moderated by Blas Payri.

0:00 introduction
8:43 My Old Grandmother
17:45 The12Project
42:48 Bowl Of Cherries
46:50 Aliud
54:20 Positive
58:45 Oh Boy!
1:10:25 Ophelia (film not shown)
1:16:00 Debate and questions

Video recording and editing by Gonzalo Moreno and Jaume Blanco.

Hadi Moussally
France / Lebanon
Hadi Moussally was born in Lebanon in 1987. By age 18, he decides to go study film direction in France where he acquires a first master’s degree in “Fiction Cinema” from Paris-Est Marne la Vallée University. Moussally then chooses to take on a complementary masters in “Documentary and Anthropological Cinema” from Paris X Nanterre University, in the course of Jean Rouch. In that respect, Hadi Moussally acquainted himself with reality-cinema. The anthropological and documentary approach accustoms him with the sense of keen observation of his subjects and alerts him to the importance of instantaneous shooting; whereas his fictional background gives him the urge of creating sensual, esthetically pleasing imagery universes.
From 2012, Hadi Moussally shifts towards the world of fashion and directs several experimental films some of which received various distinctions in festivals. In 2014 he made his first documentary on the end of his grandmother’s life, and in 2016 a docu-portrait on a senior model. In 2018 he completed an experimental project on albinism “Positive” whose photos have been exhibited at the UNESCO, the City Hall of Paris and Beirut Art Fair as well.

Oh Boy!
Based on the dance-piece “Oh Boy!” by Antonin Rioche
Co-production h7o7Films & Antonin Rioche Adaptation by Antonin Rioche & Hadi Moussally Film director Hadi Moussally
Choreographer Antonin Rioche
Dancer & voice Benjamin Behrends
D.O.P & post production Olivier Pagny Sound design Niels Plotard
Fashion stylist Marie Scirocco
Fashion designers Hed Mayner & Sean Suen
Oh Boy! is a choreographic piece conceived and imagined by Antonin Rioche as a human drama, as modern as it is timeless. The only protagonist, the dancer Benjamin Behrends, is engaged in an intense and poetic experience about loneliness. The film is the result of an adaptation and collaboration with Hadi Moussally from h7o7Films, that reveals an intimate romance and reality about the loneliness, that we all know about.

My Old Grandmother
When time flies and life is boring, the only thing we wait for is death. For Myassar, my grandmother, days go by and blend into each other and all that is left to do for her is… wait. A picture will make her relive memories and, little by little, her emotions will guide her story.

12 Fashion Films, 12 Editorials, 12 Fashion Designers, 12 Models, 12 Themes. The12Project is not only a story about fashion, it’s also
about art & passion and the world we live in.The12Project introduces fashion designers’ creation through online videos and editorials. Every month, The12Project discusses a theme. Each one explores its own way to deliver a symbolic and unique message you can discuss. At the end of a 12 months-cycle, the 12 videos will merge to give birth to a new 12-minute movie.

Bowl Of Cherries
Bonni Miller’s vertical portrait.

Sometimes when we are chased, there’s no where to hide.

Positive is a film and photo series starring three people with special skin conditions. Putting a spotlight on albinism and vitiligo through negative editing , the project aims to raise awareness of these skin conditions and the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination those with albinism and vitiligo face. By allowing the negative to empower the positive, Hadi Moussally highlights our similarities, rather than our differences.